A Near-Death Experience Gave Me a Vision: To Be Assertive in Revealing the Cruelty Done By My Father


Life has a way of delivering wake-up calls when we least expect them. For me, it came in the form of a near-death experience—an unexpected journey that left me with a newfound clarity. But let’s rewind a bit.

The Persistent Nausea

I’ve battled persistent nausea for as long as I can remember. Sometimes, it escalates to the point where I find myself vomiting. It’s a physical manifestation of the emotional turmoil I’ve carried within. Little did I know that this discomfort was a precursor to a life-altering event.

Emergency Room Drama

Recently, my health took a nosedive. A gallbladder issue—a clogged duct—landed me in the emergency room. The medical team urged immediate surgery. Anesthesia swept me into oblivion, but fate had other plans.

The Vision

As my lung collapsed and I teetered on the edge of existence, something extraordinary happened. A vision—a message—pierced through the darkness. Was it God? Or perhaps my subconscious mind, desperate for answers?

The message echoed relentlessly: “ASSERTIVE”

Unmasking the Cruelty

I emerged from that near-death state with a newfound resolve. The gallbladder, associated with anger and hate, had been a silent accomplice to my suffering. But it wasn’t just physical pain—it was emotional too. My father, Alex Daoud, had wielded cruelty like a weapon, leaving scars that ran deep.

A Father’s Broken Promises

Alex Daoud, once a prominent figure, had promised me things—rewards for my efforts. Yet, I found myself excluded from his will. His actions spoke louder than any words of love or gratitude. It was time to confront him, to demand more than empty promises.


In the aftermath of my near-death encounter, I’ve resolved to be assertive. To peel away the layers of deception and reveal the truth about my father. This article is my declaration—a testament to survival, resilience, and the courage to confront our greatest enemies, even when they wear familiar faces.


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