I did a lot of great things for my father, Alex Daoud, and I wanted to list them here to remind myself that no what I will do for him it will not change the fact that in his mind I did something wrong, although there is nothing tangible that he can mention other then some disrespect towards him, however on my end I never received what I was promised. I started to believe, especially after the recent series of events, that my father is actually out on revenge on me, and always has been. I was simply unable to see it, as he is a master manipulator, and I believe he is a Malignant Narcissist, as such he is always playing the victim.

What brought this on to post about my fathers cruelty has to do with my near-death experience due to a failed surgery, on my gall bladder, which was during an emergency visit, due to failure of the anesthesia device, I almost died. And the ongoing interactions with my father just confirmed my suspicion that I needed to stay away from him for my own survival. I talk about it in another post, linked below.

This was a series of events that led up to me being really disappointed in my father, Alex Daoud, since he would not keep his word, and rather listen to someone else (Before it was David, his minion, now its his Girlfriend, Jina Maria Chavis). The initial motivation to go and start improving (Really dirty, and needed fixing) his entire property, which is really large, including the mansion, a smaller house with three units, a large pool, with a huge patio, which has been largely so neglected, that I felt actually sorry my father had to live in such a state.

Dirty mansion of Alex Daoud
Dirty mansion of Alex Daoud


Furthermore he was discussing that there is a chance a director would make a documentary (Me and my husband always supported his endeavors), which I found to be another urgent reason to get his place in top shape, after all he should live in a clean and nice environment (That is what I did believe at that time.).

However, I did not account for his girlfriend, Jina Maria Chavis, desperately trying to me look bad at every chance she gets!

This was one of the initial dramas that led to bunch of things. When I first met my father Alex Daoud after a long break (Happens often), he seemed fragile, and sick, which was another reason I provided my help, to improve his environment (And it was also requested, to be clear, my father wanted me there). Up to this point our relationship were seemingly getting better between me, and my father. We had a good time, watched movies, gave him massages (Licensed Massage Therapist), cleaned his place up, gave him enemas (Licensed Nurse) etc.

One night, after sitting on the dining table, located in the kitchen of his mansion, he had expressed how he was tired, me and my husband we’re just finishing lunch, when we both noticed how he kept staring at his phone, and slowly like sinking into it.

I spring immediately into action holding him up, he was unresponsive, and I told my husband to call 911, while I tried to get him back to consciousness. I did starting to panic, and crying, which my husband described as the reason he came back to life, I must had screamed so loud that it startled my father back to life…

As the ambulance came, we got my father back semi conscious, and he was responding to the paramedics, which right away checked his vitals, and put him on a stretcher to bring to the hospital. We aided the paramedics, in moving the car, opening the door etc. I went with the ambulance, while my husband stayed behind.

I called my husband from the Ambulance, instructing via my father, which keys to get to lock the house, and what to switch off etc. Also and most importantly, to locate Jina Maria Chavis, to let her know what was going on. My husband went to her apartment door, and knocked really loud, also calling very loudly in patio below her apartment, while calling her cellphone, all to no avail, this was around 2am.

Needless to say that if me and my husband were not present at the right time and place, my father would had surely died, being found as a cold dead corpse the next day by his so precious girlfriend, Jina Maria Chavis (He always teases me with her, really cruel things). Which also worried me that he had to rely on someone who is not always available, he should have a professional nurse, he is old and fragile, and should not rely on someone who is too busy with other things (Jina is almost never around, and I am not blaming her).

Started cleaning his dirty house, which was really unlivable, is still not done, and needs a lot more work. But I started the process, I take credit for for that. I scrubbed the marble floors and wood floors; threw out a bunch of empty boxes that were harboring insects; made his bathroom in his gym accessible again.

Cleaned his kitchen, organized and threw out stuff that was not needed. In the process I found lots of rat poop, which we found out was a very large nest of rats. They we’re hiding in the roof, and coming into the kitchen. This was another time I was blamed that my fathers girlfriend, Jina, had to put everything everything away, the start of a constant issue (it was planned I would come the next day to finish the job. I simply became a longer project.).

Cleaned out his shed that had all his Sins of South Beach Books, full of cockroaches, more then a 100+ adult sized ones, which my husband had to help me kill, and were swarming all over the place. His shed was full of memorabilia, like pictures, and such, getting destroyed, some of it was wet, from attracting humidity. Well, a lot had to be thrown away and was destroyed.

Cleaned out his side-yard, a section next to one of his unit, were a brand-new lawnmower was buried underneath a pile of leaves. Including everything else was inaccessible blowers, gardening tools, etc. getting ruined.


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