
From the moment I drew my first breath, my father, Alex Daoud, was absent. Not just physically, but emotionally, too. His abandonment left me vulnerable, struggling for survival, and questioning my worth. As I grappled with illness as an infant, he continued his self-centered ways, indifferent to my suffering. It was a defining moment—the beginning of a tumultuous relationship with the man who should have protected me.

A Fragile Beginning

I entered this world with fragility, my tiny body fighting against the odds. My mother’s love and determination kept me alive, but my father remained distant. Alex Daoud, the Mayor of Miami Beach, was more interested in his own pursuits than in the life he helped create. As I clung to existence, he reveled in his playboy lifestyle, leaving me to battle illness alone.

Nine Lives and Counting

Perhaps it was fate that I survived those early days. My mother’s unwavering love and my own resilience pulled me through. But it wasn’t thanks to Alex Daoud. He was too busy chasing pleasure, too wrapped up in his own desires to notice the fragile thread connecting us. I often wonder if I used up one of my nine lives during that struggle.

The Real Alex Daoud

As I grew older, I learned more about the man who had abandoned me. He wasn’t just absent; he was a predator—a demon in human form. His manipulation of my mother, using love as a guise for selfish desires, revealed his true nature. The Mayor of Miami Beach, once admired by many, became my personal nemesis. His actions spoke louder than any words of love he might have uttered.

A Late Revelation

My mother kept a secret from me until I turned 27: the identity of my real father. Alex Daoud had known about me all along, yet he chose to remain distant. While he thrived, I struggled. Only when his life took a dark turn—arrested for bribery—did our paths intersect. It was a bitter meeting, filled with resentment and unanswered questions.


“My First Enemy: My Father Alex Daoud” is more than a title; it’s a testament to survival, resilience, and the scars left by betrayal. As I share my story, I hope others find solace in knowing they’re not alone. Sometimes, our greatest enemies wear familiar faces.


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